
As easy as scheduling a meeting, but without the meeting itself.

  1. Submit your employees' LinkedIn pages (e.g.,
  2. Request they confirm their connection using a special link
  3. Review those who did not confirm; they likely have another active working connection

Even if your company doesn't mind if your employee works somewhere else, please submit them anyway - maybe their other employer insists on exclusivity.

We rely on LinkedIn to deal with duplicate/fake employee profiles. This is not ideal, but we're have plans to improve this.

Overemployment practicioners try to keep their LinkedIn profiles look abandoned, up to an extend of hibernating their profiles for a social media cleanse. This is a red flag during hiring. Ask to temporarily restore their profile just to confirm the connection.

With no regards to what entity you sign a contract with, an individual, an LLC, or C-Corp, or an overseas entity, a person will peform the job. Ask that person to confirm a working connection with your company.


We focus on solving one problem, overemployment, and have to leave other employment-related problems aside.

We're not going to go as far as restricting study, side personal projects, volunteering done in personal time.

We're not going to care about employees' hobbies, poor time management skills, binge-watching TV shows, side businesses, kids, gaming, partying, own business, laziness, incompetence, obsession with dating sites or social media.

Meeting cloggers - people who work by spending all their time in meetings.

Roadmap / Future plans